A Home for Serious Music Makers!

Hot! Episode #61

Episode #61

Recording Date: November 21, 2013
Location: Forge Recording Studios, Oreland, PA

Henrik Engqvist
Jonathan Smith
Jason Long
Mark Whitfield
Andrew Neu

In A Sentimental Mood
All Blues
Night of the Mojito

I could tell the minute the musicians entered the studio that this was going to be a memorable session.

Guitarist Mark Whitfield is a musician that I’ve wanted to work with for quite a while. I first met Mark about 7 or 8 years ago when he was touring regularly with trumpeter Chris Botti. We met briefly backstage after one of his shows. I remember we talked a little bit about Studio Jams and he expressed an interest in joining us in the studio one day. Well, lo and behold, many years later, we finally made it happen.

Once again, we taped this session at Forge Recording Studios in Oreland, PA. It featured five different musicians. Mark drove down from his home in north Jersey. Philadelphians Andrew Neu and Jason Long joined us on saxophones and keyboards respectively. Danish drummer Henrik Engqvist came down from New York where he was visiting for a couple of weeks. I met Henrik in Copenhagen a few years ago and learned then what a terrific musician he was. Finally, please I brought in Jonathan Smith. Jonathan is a young player fresh out of the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Bassist Chico Huff recommended him to me, and I couldn’t have been anymore pleased.

While each of them were warming up, I noticed Mark playing around with the song “Invitation.” I wondered if that was a tune that he would call out once we got started. It was. Following a short rehearsal, the group recorded a single take of the tune. After “Invitation,” I believe it was Andrew who suggested the Duke Ellington classic, “In A Sentimental Mood.” Again, after another short rehearsal, we recorded a single take of this tune.

Mark then called out the classic Miles Davis standard “All Blues” – a tune that required no rehearsal whatsoever. They simply agreed on the feel and tempo, and away they went. There were terrific solos from all five of the musicians. The approach was pretty much the same with the song “Cherokee,” which Andrew suggested after we recorded “All Blues.”

As the session was beginning to draw to a close, Andrew asked if everyone would be up for recording one of his own tunes called “Night of the Mojito.” Everyone said sure, so he quickly handed out charts. Then, after about 15 minutes of working through the form, we recorded a fantastic take of the tune, featuring solos by everyone in the band. It was a wonderful way to end the session.

This was an outstanding session – great musicians, great songs and great takes. Although I have never done so yet, this is one group that I certainly wouldn’t mind putting together again. Great fun.
– Tom Emmi / Producer

“I love Studio Jams! It lets me know what I have to do to step up my game.”

— C.S.