A Home for Serious Music Makers!

Hot! Episode #70

Episode #70

Recording Date: April 18, 2015
Location: Forge Recording Studios, Oreland, PA

Élan Trotman
James Rouse
Matt King
Bennie Sims
Jason Long

Take The Coltrane
Alice in Wonderland
Takin’ It To The Streets
Little Sunflower
Oh Happy Day

This was another fun episode of Studio Jams. It features two keyboard players, a bassist, a drummer, and a saxophonist. First, there was saxophonist Élan Trotman. Although he has appeared on the show in the past, this is the first time Élan had ever met or played with any of the other musicians that were there. Joining Élan were pianist Jason Long, B3 master Matt King, bassist Bennie Sims and drummer James “Biscuit” Rouse. The first thing I noticed that day was how light and jovial things were. Lots of smiles, laughs and most importantly…some great music!

To get things started, they just started playing “Take The Coltrane,” a song that is often called on Studio Jams. It was a great way to start the session, for sure. Jason then suggested the beautiful ballad “Alice In Wonderland.” Élan was not at all familiar with the song, yet he handled it beautifully…like the pro that he is. It was so interesting watching closely as he had to quickly learn the form of the tune, so as to be prepared for a solo passage he was being asked to play after the first verse. Very interesting. I hope you enjoy it as well.

Next, Matt thought it might be nice to play something by the Doobie Brothers. So, Jason suggested “Takin’ It to the Streets,” a monster hit for the group that was written by Michael McDonald. Together, they took about 10 minutes to work through the tune and come up with a nice arrangement. We then recorded a single take of the song. It was great…and so much fun. They killed it!

After that, Matt suggested a fresh approach to an old classic, Freddie Hubbard’s “Little Sunflower.” And that is just what they did. James gave the tune a hypnotic funky groove, helped by him using double sticks on the hi hat during the verses. It did take a few minutes for everyone to grab hold of the feel, but once they did, it came together nicely. We recorded a single take of this song. And to wrap things up, Élan suggested we take full advantage of the B3 organ and record a gospel tune – specifically “Oh Happy Day,” written by Edwin Hawkins. Everyone talks through a quick arrangement before we recorded and nice take of the tune. Good call Élan.

And what a “happy day” it was. Yet another great – and very fun – day for Studio Jams!

– Tom Emmi / Producer

“This show is a major reason that I am the musician I am today. I love it!”

— J.R.