Episode #61
Featured performers: Henrik Engqvist, Jonathan Smith, Jason Long, Mark Whitfield, Andrew Neu
A Home for Serious Music Makers!
Here you will find profiles for each of the 50 different episodes of Studio Jams - background information on how it came to be, the musicians involved and the songs they performed. Links are also provided to purchase DVDs and MP3s of your favorite performances.
Featured performers: Henrik Engqvist, Jonathan Smith, Jason Long, Mark Whitfield, Andrew Neu
Featured performers: Dean Brown, Keith Horne, Rocky Bryant, Tom Schuman, Elan Trotman, Kareem Thompson
Featured performers: Dave Hanlon, Kip Sophos, Gil Parris, Mark Nanni, Marcus Johnson
Featured performers: Dave Hanlon, John Viavattine, Jr., Brian Golden, Mark Nanni, Bob Viavattine, John Viavattine, Sr.
Featured performers: Janis Siegel, John di Martino, Chico Huff, Vic Stevens, Andrew Neu
Featured performers: Élan Trotman, James Rouse, Matt King, Bennie Sims, Jason Long
“At my school, everyone in band thinks that music is about copying, not creating. They all need to watch your show. That would show them what it’s all about.”